The great romance of country living is the remoteness of everything. But no matter how remote you are there are always satellites above that the government eludes they can keep an eye on everyone. I would like to tap into a couple just to be able to get a decent internet connection!
We recently lost both of our computers to laptop display syndrome (where the display screen refuses to work anymore even though the laptop is on) and desktop death (where too many electrical outages have reversed the polarity of the system so much it doesn't know what the power button is anymore). As a result we are learning how to use Windows 8...and hating it. To understand the "hate" issue I refer back to the opening paragraph...we are on satellite.
One of the downfalls of satellite is that they limit your broadband usage. In the old days (bringing out my rocking chair to sit, reminisce, and share my enlightenment) we had "broadband" issues with cables. You had to monitor your internet usage over the cable lines because they could only work at a certain speed and you were limited to how much you could download. I laugh when I see the commercial of the young kids reminiscing about how long it took to download movies and Panda clips because...I'm still there! Actually it's not the length of time but the amount of information...but I'm birdwalking (term used to explain "getting off subject").
Windows 8 assumes you are in a magical world where you have unlimited access and internet capabilities that allow you to stream movies, music, pictures, games, go shopping and download program updates all in one sitting. Sure, I could do that, then my satellite provider chimes in with a warning that I have exceeded my bandwidth usage for the month. The month!
I have to painstakingly go through each application on Windows 8 and shut down all of their live streaming options, automatic update options, cut off their self-activating online features (they literally turn themselves on, activate the connection and update themselves!) I do this not once, but twice (because we bought a laptop, too.)
For a month I was on internet usage restriction, felt like a grounded teenager. I couldn't even download apps to prevent my apps from doing what they like to automatically. I had to relearn the Startup screen editing process and all the while cursed what Microsoft had done to their operating system asking myself "why didn't I just get an iPad? or Linux?" I may still switch!
Once I got all the apps off of the start up menu, limited their access to the internet, and started poking around...I still don't like Windows 8.
I understand that Mr. Gates is putting out updates to return the "Start" button to the display screen. I laughed. I suppose he'll add other advancements too, but that means I have to log on with my satellite internet connection download the updates and still battle a keyboard mouse (on the laptop) that with all the configuring of Windows 8 seems to have developed AI, and it's angry!!
The touchpad mouse was a nice feature on the older systems where mouse control was viable. Now you're asking "oh, you don't have the touchscreen option?" to which I am on the floor laughing hysterically.
1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by hysteria.
2. uncontrollably emotional.
3. irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock.
4. causing hysteria.
5. suffering from or subject to hysteria.
Just so we understand I'm not referring to the LOL something was really funny--hysterical.
Our first smartphone had a clear plastic covering to protect the touchscreen. It was replaced 4 times in 6 months. The new smartphone also has a clear plastic covering that has not been replaced yet but every now and them it gets touched when nobody is near it and activates apps and tries to call people. Is it possessed? It is an electronic device that according to TAPS (ghost hunters) ghosts feed on electrical energy to manifest themselves so...I think a ghost just wanted to borrow it to phone home!
Touchscreens and us? Not a good combo.
We decided against touch screens because of our experiences with the "smartphones".
-- Stop hitting your heads with your hands and telling me that's the problem! --
The problem is that Gates tried to make an iPad out of a Windows machine and I now have two mega-gigabyte munching, temperamental, electronic boxes that don't mix well with chickens and rural living.
What do chickens and rural living have to do with my inability to adequately use a high functioning, high maintenance computer? Satellites.
I don't have cables to my house, and that's the way I like it. But the trade off is I'm limited to satellites.
Does that mean I'm ready to pack it in, head back to civilization, get back into the suburbs where I belong? And by the way, they allow chickens there!
No. I'd give up the internet faster than move, I like my remoteness from humanity, my rural landscapes, my crowing roosters and potential ability to have a lamb if I wanted...and with that I am standing up from my rocking chair.
"It's time for 'Family Feud' on my satellite television."
A shift during "mid-life" finds me out of the suburbs and out in the country. To supplement the gardening chores and grocery list I have acquired chickens and discovered the misadventures one can have living in a "foreign" land.
Feathering the empty nest with chickens.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Satellite dishes, Windows 8 and the internet...oh my!
broadband limits,
country life,
country sarcasm,
humorous life,
menopause humor,
remote living,
rural living,
Satellite internet,
Windows 8
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